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The Sulwesi Regular Army - 328 TW
In the late 290sTW the Malaysian colonists from Terra had started to arrive on Sulewesi and by the turn of the century, having found the planet and it's two moons to be rich in iridium, molybdenum and beryllium, they had begun to build themselves an industry, the objective of which was to turn Sulewesi into the premier mining system within the sector. By the early 320's, however, all was not going according to plan on Sulewesi. The early settlers and their families had established a functional hegemony which almost entire excluded later arriving colonists from power and the seeds were sown of an argument which metamorphosed into a political movement which - in turn - became armed conflict when those who held the power seemed less than willing to share. The latecomers disagreed with the way the system was being governed and formed a rebel council in a quest for power and autonomy. This council centred around the 'Maha Putera'  (or Great Prince) - a young royal pretender (sometimes dismissively called the "Akil Baligh" or "The Adolescent" by his detractors). The council's aim was to appeal to traditionalists and install a royal line as head of state, but then run the planetary system in a largely democratic fashion. By the late 320's, the standing government of Sulewesi had purged most detractors from within, either peacefully or - latterly - through simple assassination and was almost entirely formed from the ranks of the earlier settlers. Seeing the discontent swelling in some parts of the citizenry, they attempted to tighten their grip on the entire planet, its wealth and all its peoples, especially the later arrivals, many of who had come expecting a free system full of opportunity and were quickly disabused off their hopes. The 'Maha Putera' and most of the council went into hiding. Those that didn't - or simply hadn't moved fast enough - found themselves, at best, in an iridium mine. At worst, they were just made to disappear...
Denel A20 Rhino Gun System is armed with a 9cm railgun, 3cm coaxial autocannon, twin Light Lasers and a heavy support weapon Denel A20 Rhino Gun System is armed with a 9cm railgun, 3cm coaxial autocannon, twin Light Lasers and a heavy support weapon