All shots and models by Pat Sexton and group - Click thumbnail to enlarge
Federal troops and their mercenary hirelings arrive One engineering vehicle and related troops need to be next to the building and undisturbed for those turns in order to breach it Dave Latz's Thunderbolts line up The mercs of the Tingatata Division  pull out of the town Return to Hammers Slammers Galleries page
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the Guard’s heavier troops (armored cavalry and auto cannons)
The scenario was built around units of the People’s Republican Guard along with some of their mercenary hirelings taking over Junior’s Farm, a large farming co-op that supplies food to the surrounding area as well as the larger cities on Morgen’s Northern Continent. The Guard’s goal was to hold the town and execute the reactionaries that worked the farm complex (that would be everyone). When the Federal troops and their mercenary hirelings arrived to take back the Farm (that would be Turn One), the Guard had executed everyone with the exception of  group that had managed to get to the panic room bunker in one of the main buildings, the Guard had three turns to break into the building and complete their work and the Feds had the same amount to stop it. One engineering vehicle and related troops need to be next to the building and undisturbed for those turns in order to breach it.   The game went well, the Feds losing some of their vehicles in the charge towards town but the mercs (Freck’s Freikorps and the Thunderbolt Division) lost very little and the Thunderbolts(belonging to Dave Latz kept the right flank of the Guard occupied  which tied up some of the Guard’s heavier troops (armored cavalry and auto cannons). Because the Guard right flank also ended up between the Freikorps and Thunderbolts, they took very heavy casualties and failed both of their morale checks (they passed one after executing a recalcitrant vehicle as an example to motivate the rest but the second time, there was no ‘saving’ option).
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With the withdrawal of the right wing, the troops in town thought better of remaining and the mercs of the Tingatata Division (belonging to my friend Gary agreed and pulled out also. The Republican Guard used the Commissar morale rules while the remaining forces were all classified as Veteran.   So the Federals were able to rescue the last survivors and also had evidence of atrocities which would aid them greatly in the propaganda war. Patrick Sexton